If you’ve been in the market searching for a vehicle, it is likely you will have considered both a new car as well as a second hand vehicle. While each option has its respective benefits, as well as drawbacks, one area of distinction begins to emerge once you seek out finance. It won’t take y
How the Instant Tax Write-Off Can Help You
Do you have a small to medium size business? Have you heard about the instant tax write-off? Well if you haven’t, you’re certainly missing a trick. The government has introduced this measure to enable SMEs access to claim an immediate tax deduction by writing off the entire value of an asset use
Can I Apply for a Car Loan Without a Driver’s Licence?
It’s not an all that uncommon predicament, where you would like to apply for a car loan but don’t yet have your driver’s licence. Maybe it’s because you’re about to go for your licence, or you could be purchasing the car on behalf of someone who is already licenced. Maybe you don't plan on
Can I Use the Equity in my Home to Buy a Car?
In the property market, it’s not all that uncommon to use the equity you build up from paying down your home loan to fund another property. In effect, the equity is used as an asset, which is then put up as collateral for the next asset in your sights. This strategy can be extended to vehicles, wi
Does the Way I Drive Affect the Life of my Car?
One of the first things that you probably picked up while learning to drive was the importance of smooth driving. Not just for your own safety and wellbeing on the road, but to preserve the mechanical integrity of the vehicle. While some might dismiss this as an overreaction, bordering on unnecessar