A low documentation car loan is a form of finance for individuals who do not have a comprehensive set of financial records to support what would otherwise be a standard car loan application. For example, if you don’t have any income tax records, or payslips to provide a lender, this would normally
What are Secured Car Loans?
Secured car loans are a form of finance used exclusively to purchase a vehicle. It can be either a new or used car, however, that vehicle will be put up as collateral against the amount you borrow from the financier. Should you happen to fall behind on your loan repayments, the lender has the option
Why Your Banks Statements Influence Your Loan Outcome
If you have already commenced your car loan application, you will likely have a pretty familiar understanding of the process. However, if you’ve yet to lodge your application, perhaps hold back for just a moment, at least until you’ve had time to review your supporting documentation. Why, you mi
What to Know When Buying a New Car at the End of the Financial Year
Long considered one of the best times to buy a new car, the end of the financial year really does have a lot of tailwinds in its favour to help motorists pick up a great deal. On the one hand, it is the cut-off for tax incentives – deductions – so there is no shortage of competition among dea
What are the Tax Benefits of Leasing a Car?
Trying to decide between purchasing a new car, or instead leasing it, is not always a straightforward decision. After all, there are so many variables at play, influenced by one’s personal circumstances, that it can be quite the dilemma. Not to mention, each strategy has benefits and drawbacks. On