As many who have taken on some form of financing or another will attest to, locking in a low interest rate can save you a fortune. Right now, with interest rates at multi-year highs, many borrowers, whether it be homeowners or motorists, have taken to refinance their loans in order to achieve a m
How to Get Ahead When Taking out a Car Loan
Purchasing a new vehicle can often be an exciting yet stressful period. After all, there’s little fun in hopping between showrooms around the city, negotiating with salesmen, conducting mechanical checks on the car and the like. And while the process to obtain a car loan can scare some, there a
How to Upgrade Your Car While Still Paying Off a Loan
Many people find themselves in a situation where their existing vehicle no longer meets their needs or desires, prompting thoughts to upgrade their car. Ultimately, upgrading your car while still paying off a loan can be a complex decision, so it is important that you undertake careful planning and
How to Apply for a Loan for an Imported Car
For some time now, many Australians have flirted with the idea of importing their desired vehicle from abroad. What with cheaper prices, and high quality models that are sometimes unavailable locally, there are immediate incentives right off the bat. However, when it comes to financing an imported v