Before signing up for any form of financing, it’s important that you do your due diligence. It doesn’t matter if you are borrowing as an individual or as a business, nor the type of loan, or the financier from which you are sourcing the funds – always prepare a list of considerations that will
Applying for a Second Car Loan While Repaying an Existing Car Loan
In today's world, owning a car is often essential for work, family, and personal commitments. However, the financial reality is that many individuals find themselves in the situation of repaying an existing loan, while needing to secure financing for a second car. While this may seem like a challen
How Much of My Salary Should Be Spent on a Car Loan?
When it comes to buying a car, one of the most critical financial considerations is how much of your salary should be allocated to a car loan. Your car is an essential part of your daily life, offering convenience and mobility, but it's also a substantial financial commitment. To strike the right
What are Three Signs it is Time to Buy a New Car?
Determining when it's time to buy a new car can vary from person to person depending on their specific circumstances and priorities. Nonetheless, here are three signs that might indicate it's time to consider purchasing a new vehicle
Is it Easier to Obtain a Secured Car Loan?
For many borrowers, obtaining a secured car loan is typically easier than getting an unsecured car loan, especially if they have a less-than-perfect credit history.