Does Paying a Deposit Before 31 March 2025 Secure the FBT Exemption for PHEVs? Not Quite. If you're planning to take advantage of the Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT) exemption for a plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV) under a novated lease, you need to be
Are There Any Downsides To A Novated Lease?
So your boss has decided that you deserve a little something extra, and she or he is suggesting that a novated lease might be the way to go forward. It certainly sounds like a great idea. You get a nice shiny new car of your choice to drive around and use the way you want to, with no fiddling ab
Getting ahead with your car loan (or novated lease?)
Fringe Benefit Taxes and Novated Leases
Fringe benefit taxes are one thing that will be talked about when the topic of novated leases comes up. These don’t get talked about when you set up a regular car loan, so what’s the story? What are fringe benefit taxes, why do they exist and what are some examples of fringe benefits?
Say Goodbye to the FBT Exemption for PHEVs: ⚡⌚ The Clock’s Ticking!
If you’ve been eyeing a plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV) under a novated lease, here’s your friendly wake-up call: the FBT (Fringe Benefits Tax) exemption for PHEVs is officially hitting the brakes on 31 March 2025. That’s right—after this date, PHEVs will no longer qualify for the jui