Should Motorists be Concerned about Mortgage Brokers Diversifying into Asset Finance

Tuesday, 24th January 2017 4:51 am

One of the hot topics from this month has been around the prospect of mortgage brokers potentially diversifying their operations into asset finance, including car and equipment loans. With more and more home loan specialists opting to take up duties within another form of financing, do Aussie motori

How Extensive Should the ACCC Make its Review of the New Car Industry

Tuesday, 13th December 2016 4:12 pm

This time last month, the ACCC released a preliminary issues paper stemming from a review into the new car industry. The report contained no fewer than 55 separate issues, and was spurred by a heightening number of complaints lodged by consumers in a year where new car sales look set to post record

Are Borrowers Likely to be Affected by Legislative Changes to Parallel Import Vehicles?

Saturday, 21st May 2016 7:36 pm

As the election campaign crawls along at a pace that only reminds us why we don’t hold elections more regularly, the topic of parallel import vehicles has reared its head again. First discussed earlier this year, the government decided to initiate plans to relax importation laws, which would see m

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Tuesday, 19th January 2016 8:46 am

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Tuesday, 19th January 2016 8:42 am