Deciding on a new car can be a difficult proposition once you have gotten the search under way. But once you find that ‘perfect’ vehicle, it’s not unusual to want to move quickly to secure it. This is especially the case if there is something distinctive about the car, such as the specificatio
Why You Should Ask Your Employer to Consider a Novated Lease
For employees, the benefits of getting a new car through a novated lease scheme are plentiful and well documented. After all, who wouldn't want to have a voice providing input as far as the company car they drive? However, it's not just employees who like novated leases. Your boss should too. So
What is the Difference Between a Car Loan and a Personal Loan?
It might seem simple enough to separate car loans from personal loans, however, in practice, the two are distinguished only by minor details. With said distinctions being relatively modest, consumers have the opportunity to consider either type of financing for their next vehicle purchase. Why then,
Car Finance with a Bad Credit History
Are you in desperate need of a car? But you either have no credit history or a bad credit history after missing repayments in the past? Well, fortunately, a bad credit history doesn't prevent you from obtaining car finance! Now, be wary, however, because there are some finance businesses who al
Car Loans for Uber Drivers
The digital economy has transformed much of our lives, including the transportation sector. For many years now we’ve become accustom to ride sharing services like Uber, as well as various other emerging companies such as Taxify and Ola. Of course, this has led to new opportunities in the indust